Manifesting Words

Words Manifesting Themselves

Participating in Writing Workshops


Thanks to the inspiring atmosphere and careful guidance of the trainers, writing workshops give me, as a participant, the opportunity to deal with my very own themes and the topics that emerge spontaneously in a creative and playful literary way.


Project "Art Contains" in Kaindorf near Murau, Steiermark, initiated by Gertrude Moser-Wagner

17-18/07/2015: "Stimmen unter Sternen" ("Voices under the stars") in Kaindorf as a prelude

Poem:  "…unter Sternen"  ("…Among the Stars")

Memories of the starry sky in the desert.

23-26/07/2015: Writing workshop: "Worte/Orte" ("Words/ Places") with Sophie Reyer in Kaindorf

Poems: "An Euch, Ihr Fichten-Nadel-Bäume" ("To You, Spruce-Needle Trees")

            "Tanz des Baumes" ("The Dance of the Tree") – published in my book: “Cycles“ 

Evoking and transcending the forest landscapes of my childhood and youth.

25/07/2015: Artists' discussion in the Murau Town Hall on the topic: "Kunst birgt, was?" ("Art contains, what?"), moderated by Gertrude Moser-Wagner and recital of the poems from the writing workshop (my reflections on art have been published in my book "Cycles").


19-22/12/2019: Writing workshop: "Stille und Wort" ("Stillness and Word") with Silke S. Jandl and Rolf G. Seyfried  at the seminar house "Die Lichtung" in Rastenberg, Lower Austria

Poems: "Mittwinter in Rastenberg" ("Midwinter in Rastenberg")

            "Schaffensprozess" ("Creative Process")

Engaging with the place, the season and the creative process.


17-19/12/2021: Writing workshop: “Stille und Wort“ (“Stillness and Word“) with Silke S. Jandl and Rolf G. Seyfried at the seminar centre LA‘AKEA, Vienna

Poems: "Stoff-Erinnerungen" ("Fabric Memories")

       "Das Gewand der Zwischenräume" ("Clothing the In-Between")

        "Ein Gewebe aus Fäden" ("A Web Woven of Threads") 

Childhood memories are weaving their threads...