

Here you can find news on by upcoming projects

”There is a crack in everything.

That’s how the light gets in.”

[Leonard Cohen]

May plenty of light shine in 2024 and

help us transform the challenges

posed by the cracks!

“Conversations With The Elements:

Water – Rocks – Woods“

When: November 23, 2023, 7:00 pm
Where: Salon M&M, Vienna

An evening with poems by Alice Siebenhofer,

accompanied on the harp by Monika Stadler (

Message inspired by the Celtic seasonal festival of

Imbolc on February 1

"Nature’s winter retreat is nearing its end.

Life is headed for renewal, impatiently pushing,

yet firmly anchored in the wheel of change."

Spring Greetings

"Colours flowing freely

in tune with the lyre.

Let’s keep them company and

cheerfully join their choir."


Book Presentation

When: November 16, 2019, 7:30 pm
Where: Shakespeare & Company Booksellers, Sterngasse 2, 1010 Wien

“Cycles – Illustrated thoughts and poems in English, German, and French”, the second self-published book by Alice Siebenhofer is a collection of texts and photos illustrating the author’s cyclic view of the world.
Part 1 focuses on the cycles of nature, the seasonal changes between darkness and light as another way of organizing one’s life.
Part 2 offers some provocative thoughts that question traditional ways of perceiving reality.
The poems in part 3 are dialogues with elementary forces of life, rendering the author’s visions in a highly condensed manner.


An Intercultural Evening

Time: 25 Oktober 2019, 7pm

Place: gemischt.warenhandlung, Liechtensteinstr. 31, 1090 Vienna

Texts - Music - Pictures - Dance

Dance and songs in Persian by Fariba Rahimi

Intuitive texts and poems in German by Alice Siebenhofer

Persian sufi music by Hamid Mehregan

Fee: voluntary donation

For more information: or


Interactive Book Presentation

Time: 6 December 2017, 7pm

Place: Café Frei, Salzgries 3, 1010 Wien

After events in Murau and Tamsweg in May and June 2017, Alice Siebenhofer now presents her new book in Vienna: pictures and texts as an inspiration for the audience to start their own imaginary journeys into the ocean of colours.

Thanks to the printing company self-publishing authors can launch their works in a pleasant coffee house atmosphere.


Book Presentation and Exhibition

Time: 4 July 2017, 7pm

Place: Tamsweg, Büchergewölbe

Click here to get to the bookshop


Exhibition, Book Presentation and Workshop

Time: 27 May 2017, 6pm

Place: Murau, Salavatorhaus

Click here to get to the event